Public Works and Sewerage Commission

The Public Works and Sewerage Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the Common Council regarding the operations of the Department of Public Works; oversees the planning and operations of the City cemetaries including the review and recommendation of an annual cemetery budget, management of the cemetery funds and the establishment of burial rates; oversees the stormwater management program, including implementation of stormwater-related ordinances and plans.  Also, under the general control and supervision of the Common Council, supervises, manages, maintains, plans, regulates in accordance with the general policies of the City and recommends an annual budget and the establishment of rates for operation of the City Sanitary Sewage System. 

Commission Members

Name Title
Charles Schumacher Member
Terry Wagner Member
Bob Dries Member
Robert Simpson Council Member
Rick Verhaalen Member
Andrew Hester Member
Patricia Thome Mayor
Tim Larson Member
Nick Janous Member